Monday, August 15, 2011

I suppose this is the week I need to make a decision regarding whether or not I return to Las Vegas. As a result, I can feel myself getting more depressed. To an outsider, the decision would be easy: you're depressed, stay home. But, I have a husband who makes not a lot of money. If I were to stay here, we would have enough to pay the bills that are attached to this house, but not enough to pay the added costs that I amassed as a result of my move last year.
I wait to hear from the two jobs I interviewed for last week. There is no guarantee that I got anything and that's the reason I am making arrangements -- though tentative -- to return west. This sucks. And, although the city has lifted its hiring freeze, I have not had positive feelings from the interviews I've had in the city. The bottom line is I can't count those eggs. Last week was the first time I was interviewed by a NYC principal who actually looked me in the eye. Really, things are not rosy here.
So my stomach continues to have butterflies.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's that time of year when school supplies are flooding the shelves and we need to stock up.

It's also the time of year when I question whether or not I need to purchase everything on the list. To begin, Tyler needs a binder for each of five classes. Five binders??? That is quite a bit to fit into a backpack for homework, isn't it?

I honestly don't know what to do this year. My child lacks the organization needed to juggle and correctly bring home five binders. I feel like this may be a recipe for disaster. On the other hand, am I causing problems for him by NOT getting the necessary materials?

I guess my biggest beef is that when I do purchase the list of supplies, at the end of the year Tyler comes home with unused notebooks and such. Why?

We'll see what happens.