So, my ass is in a sling because a very large number of my students failed the semester. I realize that on paper this is a horrible stat; however, I have been making the same complaint for a while. How do you pass students who do no work? Or, do you pass those who do no work? That's the rock and hard place I'm between.
I have students who do not work. they are not failing my class because they don't understand what I'm teaching; they are failing because they don't do work. Even worse, because they don't do work, I cannot actually do what I do well.
For example, I am good at teaching emerging writers how to craft a solid essay. However, in order for students to improve they need to provide a first draft. It's incredible how many don't bother. Then they won't work on a second draft -- even when thirty minutes of class time are provided for the assignment. Then when I try to teach students how to proofread or edit, so many are disengaged because they didn't do the work in the first place and they have nothing to apply my class lesson on.
Today I got in trouble because the lesson I taught yesterday (reading aloud in class and asking clarification questions as we moved along) was "just reading". When I suggested to my boss that was exactly what my students needed, he scoffed at me and said I didn't know how to do the job. When I asked how my lesson could have been better, he made a suggestion: to have students break into groups after doing the reading on their own and discuss whether or not Odysseus is a good example of an epic hero. Hmmm, I say. That's a great idea IF I could count on my students arriving to class prepared. They don't. Worse, even if they did do the reading, they don't fully understand what they read thus my decision to read in class with them. Now I have proof: those who paid attention during the reading, submitted study guides that indicated as much. But still I'm a bad teacher.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but if we continue to allow kids to do no work, where exactly do we expect our future to go? What do we teach when we allow students to have no work ethic?
I feel like I'm on the cusp of something big. Few in my field care to have principles because it's so hard to keep at it. After crying on my husband's shoulder, he made a recommendation: just pass them. Sadly, that's what I was thinking on my way home. Doesn't it suck that those lazy ass kids win?