Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just the Beginning

Well, here I am.  I thought, right up until now, that I was up for this adventure, but I am not so certain now.
Why Blog?
Mostly to practice writing on a daily basis.   I have many thoughts which do not get spoken or written because, now that I am not working, there is no one to whom to say this.  Also, I have time to post ideas and rants.  If Julia was able to do this, then so am I and here I am.
I have to admit that for the first time in my life, I watched any portion of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions.  How did I make it to the age of 45 and never watch them before?  I am driven, for the first time, to actually speak out about what the issues are and how I perceive each candidate.  Mostly I am interested in education.  Is there a way to improve public schools?  I don't know but I will be sharing my opinions in the coming days....
Sit back and relax and enjoy!


Rod said...

I like that you are blogging.
I look forward to reading your blog every day, like i do with my brothers.
I hope you blog me that Julia.

Bon Appégeechee said...

Consider this ... Happy to add you to my Daily reads as well! Keep it up. I look forward to more!