Friday, October 24, 2008

Big Surprise

My guilty pleasure, a subscription to People magazine, just arrived today.  The cover story is about Madonna's marriage to Guy Richie is over.  Now, who is surprised?  The story -- the story that I refuse to actually read -- claims to give us some insight as to what caused the marriage to fizzle.  Here's a thought:  Poor Guy woke up one morning and realized he was married to the ugliest albeit rich woman in the world.  He finally realized, Hey, I can do better.

Madonna grosses me out (though I do listen to some of her music - I imagine prettier things).  She is all muscle and bully.  Ugly teeth and too much money do not make a character whom I want to emulate.  Remember her hit "Material Girl"?  I think Madonna is a living example of what is wrong with the entertainment industry.  What, exactly, has Madonna done that warrants our undivided attention?  Is her music really so great?

When will we cease to be enamored with the money mighty and begin to be more captivated by the normal folk who work hard and cough up additional time and effort to care for the less fortunate?  I don't mean the Brad Pitt's who work in front of a camera either.  I mean the ordinary Joe who volunteers at the ambulance hall or the woman who gives of herself freely at PTA events?

So, I suppose the biggest surprise is that I will not be renewing my subscription to People.

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