Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Nepotism is ruining American education.  

Trade journals such as the English Journal, Phi Delta Kappa and Educational Leadership make a living publishing research about what works in schools.  We have a problem in this country with education, and there is a real interest in finding what works in schools.  Unfortunately, no one has taken the time to uncover how administrators fill open positions with former school graduates without understanding what makes learning work.  I recognize that this would be difficult to truly uncover, but I have heard some stories in the past week that make me feel as though my chances of finding a job, despite my qualifications, are slim to none.

The first example is of a 3rd grade teacher who was recently hired in the local school district.  When I ran into her this summer, I congratulated her on her new job (she had previously been working in the Bronx).  She told me she was surprised she was hired in front of leave replacement teachers in the district.  In fact, the only reason she went on the interview was to get practice with her interview skills.  She is from this community; she was hired by her former teacher.  Perhaps she was the best candidate, but I have suspicions about how this hiring works.

The second example is even more damning.  Again, this took place in my home district.  A special educator was "let go" because the position was no longer available.  Then, when the special educator found a new job, the position was magically available again and a local girl was hired without an interview.  The local girl in question was a recent college graduate who had told her supervising teacher that she had the job.  No calls were made regarding the girl's qualifications either.  This is fishy.

I live in a community that generally does not have good test scores.  The focus here is on sports. Why, then, hire the same people that we are trying to rise above?  

Do you want the secretary's niece getting a job in front of a teacher with a more proven track record?

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