Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The status quo

What do you don when you identify a problem, bring in to the appropriate person's attention, then get slapped for seeing a problem?

This is not the first time this has happened to me.  I doubt it will be the last.  However, I realize that apathy is the biggest problem in education today.  Too many teachers don't care because the students don't care and the administrators either don't see the real problem or are too busy worrying about whether or not they will be blamed for the problem in the first place.  

I don't believe we should live the mantra, "If it's not broken, don't fix it."  I would rather we all lived with the belief that we can help and all we need to do is ask how.  The time is now to get up and demand that we not accept what is there because it's always been there.  Now is the time to ask ourselves if the greatest number is being served.  We need to ask ourselves if we can make the things that go well better and if there are things we do that don't work at all. 

Obama has led by example.  Why can't we follow his lead?

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