Saturday, August 14, 2010

I heard from Las Vegas that I have partial clearance. I am not sure what that means but I suspect I will soon be packing my bags for a big adventure out west.

this is going to be difficult. Financially it's not a step forward; however, it does keep us from slipping further down. More importantly, this is an opportunity for me to do what I love to do while allowing me to see who I am and to force myself to depend on no one but myself. Although I am 47, I've never truly cared for just me. I've never even earned enough money to support myself. This is a big change and challenge.

Still, the fact that I don't have it all in order is bothersome. When do I leave? How much will I earn? What will the school be like? How about the weather? One thing I know. the people in Nevada have been so much more helpful and friendly than I experience here. It'll be nice to step away from the hustle of this place even just for a while.

And Rod has a wonderful road trip planned for us when I come back after my first year. Can't wait for the adventure to begin.

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