Thursday, September 2, 2010

I got to thinking last night, as a result of someone's facebook status, that the country simply doesn't understand the foundations of the democracy they so willingly go to war for. Case in point: Glen Beck's march on Washington suggesting that we must respect the feelings of those whose loved ones were killed at the twin towers on September 11th. What much of this country seems to have forgotten, in my humble opinion, is that the idea of blind justice is what makes this a great nation. Sure there are bumps in the road, and will continue to be so, but the ideas are worth fighting for.
What am I saying? The mosque should be allowed to be built because they have the right to build it. If we allow emotions to muddy the water, then we cannot possibly believe there is any justice being served. Further, we need to recognize that we did not go to war with a religion but with the people who designed the hijackings.
If I had died on Sept. 11, 2001 I would hope my death would bring a greater good, not this constant bickering and hatred against innocent people who had nothing to do with what happened that day.
It's time for America to remember that we cannot acknowledge rights only when they serve a particular interest. We have to separate church and state; rights from emotions. If Glen Beck wants to talk about respect, I think he should begin by respecting the laws of this great nation.

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