Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It is really hard to get students who are seniors, in a class for a passing grade, to buy into anything that's being sold. some feel too dumb to get it; some see no reason to bother; some have never had a positive learning experience and don't feel they'll get one this go around; some just need to make the teacher miserable. In any case, or whichever case, I feel very tired at the end of the day. I wish I could do something to help these kids but I feel incapable of even knowing where to begin. Sure, there are students who are beginning to warm up to me. There are also some kids who, because of the subject matter, are beginning to perk up in class because they have greater background knowledge than their classmates. Still, I feel inept. Gosh I really wish there was an easy way to take measurement of these students so I could find something that works. As it is, I just show up and hope. It's all I've got.

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