Sunday, June 5, 2011

I have made the decision to not return to Las Vegas. If I had a job, I would possibly consider it. However, I have no job and the future in education here looks mighty bleak. It's time for a change because I need to do something. I enjoy earning money. Fact is, I need to because it's so expensive in NY state.

Perhaps something will come up in NYC. It seems to be the only place interested in hiring teachers with experience. I am continuing to try other states as well. I have FL certification and I am waiting for the certification from Virginia. Still, that doesn't quite do it for me because I need a job -- I really don't need to be spending money.

When I get home I hope I'll be able to be as relaxed as I am here. It is so soothing to be here where I can pay all my bills and still have money left over for a fun time for the weekend. At home, every expense causes me anxiety.

I wish I knew what type of job, outside of teaching, I could get. I want to do something fun and rewarding and close to home. I would like a challenge but flexibility to take time if Tyler is sick or something. If only, if only.

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