Friday, September 2, 2011

I did something today that I rarely do -- took a nap. I came home from work and wanted to get some stuff done but felt beat. Frankly, I have been feeling very tired every day when I come home from work. Since I have nothing else going on here, I slept. For about an hour and a half. Gosh, that felt good. Even better? I feel tired now and it's only about 9PM.

Sleep is a difficult thing to get. We all feel as though we need more, but where can we find it? The older I get the more my sleep patterns tend to stay in holding. So, even if I go to bed late, I still arise early. Bottom line, I don't necessarily catch up on missed sleep. It's for that reason that I'm glad I napped. (Earlier this week I went to bed at 8:30 PM)

When I go home for the Ben Harper concert on Oct. 1st I will arrive at 12:30 am (9:30 PST). Poor Rod will be out getting me and he won't be able to catch up on his sleep. Now he is a guy who really has definite sleep patterns. Even when we were driving across the country, in different time zone, and no schedule to speak of, Rod got up early every day.

I hope I find a "clock" soon. Perhaps, because I am so unsettled and feel bored in my apartment I am feeling tired more easily. I know that the job itself, while difficult to get back into the groove, is not too bad. The students do what I tell them to do and for the most part are respectful. This is a much better experience than the one I had last year. Still, I feel stress because I am moving soon and am still waiting for my car to arrive from NY -- actually, I am still waiting for it to ship from NY.

Word has it that the neighborhood where I'm moving is wonderful. The leasing agent told me all about the Y nearby, but I didn't really give it much thought. Until today when the librarian at my school was raving about it and the library that's near my new apartment. So, I guess things will feel much better when I leave this place that constantly reminds me of the horror-that-was-last-year.

And, of course, I hope I will feel a little more awake.

Happy Labor Day weekend.

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