Pet peeve week from the menopause mama.
Today's gripe: grocery baggers. Really, does it take a college degree to realize you don't put cans of tomatoes on top of the tomatoes themselves?
When I was a kid, baggers NEVER put cleaning products in the same bag as any food product. Now, they just throw the stuff in the bag.
Is the problem that these young baggers don't actually put groceries away at home thereby being oblivious to the havoc they create? Do they not spend any of their money on groceries to know that ruined stuff sucks?
Back in the day, real people worked in the grocery stores. They were there day after day, year after year. They build their careers there; paid rent and took care of their families. Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Sabel worked at the local Grand Union -- they were it. They knew their job and they did it well. Now it's young people who don't know an artichoke from an avocado who work in these stores until a better, more prestigious job comes along.
We need to take pride in the work we do and stop just showing up for a paycheck.
Ok, Menopause Mama, I hate, and I mean hate grocery shopping.
I actually have to prepare myself emotionally for the errand.
I would much rather have a pizza delivered.
The new American work ethic seems to be: “Oh, great, just what we need: another f-ing customer!” (Followed by an exaggerated eye-roll.)
Like I, the buyer, am doing something unconscionably personal to the employee by actually shopping at the store.
My sincere motive is to actually go to the store, to buy some items, and to leave.
I am "karmic-ally" kind to all of the employees whom I encounter during my outing.
For example, when I reach my eye-rolling cashier, I clearly and audibly state, “Oh my G-d, the cashier is having a seizure or something! We need an ambulance in Aisle 2!”
Then I do my duty as a responsible citizen by calling 911 to help the poor cashier.
I don’t want my ice-cream to melt.
I casually pay for my items, and head out the door.
I feel secure knowing that soon an ambulance will be taking the cashier out of the grocery store on a gurney, bringing her to the nearest ER room.
I hope that the medical team can cure her eye-roll and her attitude.
And, that D’Agostino’s has a good health insurance plan.
Cherry Garcia anyone?
(Sorry, I messed up the first post. I am new to this.)
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