Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The holidays are about over -- I still have my family celebration -- and I learned, or was reminded of, an important lesson: the best gifts are not big and expensive but well thought out. I truly got good gifts this year. Julia heard my request for personalized stationery. Rod remembered how much I enjoy knitting things. But it was Ted and Deittra who have moved me to really do what I do best -- knitting. Next year will be a knitted gift year.
I just went through my knitting stash -- I have some really good stuff. While my color palette is limited I think I'll find some nice patterns for my friends and family.
I am sitting and watching A League of Their Own right now and realizing we have traveled too far from what was good about Christmas and now push too hard for expensive things we don't need. We need to get back to basics. If we have money to spend on silliness, we should just put it to good use and enjoy each other's company instead.
Yup, I am going to enjoy preparing for next Christmas. And I might even send cards next year too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am reading "My Antonia", by Willa Cather. It's a story about a young boy and girl's experiences as homesteaders. Last night, I read the chapter about Christmas. All of the gifts were thoughtful and and handmade. It captured the true essence of Christmas, as even a little pine tree was difficult to find.