Sunday, March 25, 2012

The age old question: why does the weekend pass so quickly?

At least this is the last weekend here for a while. I am truly looking forward to returning home and being in an east coast state of mind. Living in a red state is making me see red.

I hate sitting around wondering what else I could have gotten done. Frankly, I just want to board my plane and get out of dodge. I did my lesson plans but I really feel like toast about now. I need some me time. I need some mental rest. I need to just be with my family. Mostly, I need to stop feeling so stressed out about my job.

The word in Clark County is that the superintendent wants teachers to get bad evaluations so he can let them go. I wish they'd just leave me alone -- I was going anyway. Why am I being punished so? I get a lot of advice, but I am so upset I don't even know what to do. Should I hire an attorney to push back? Should I let the ineffective union know what's going on? Should I just pass all these kids? Should I continue to teach or should I let kids coast?

Teaching has become a job that is just too hard for me. I enjoy being with students, but the administrators don't deal with kids; they deal with numbers. So, learning is not important. This is really breaking my spirit. What is the right thing to do????

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