Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The public library rocks.  Especially here in Highland Falls.  I suppose one could say it's because of our wonderful librarian.  She offers classes and enlightens the community about all sorts of things.  This week she offered sewing classes.  I figured, what the heck, I'll give it a go.

When I think of sewing, I think of the old fashioned sewing machine like the one my mom had for years.  She would use the foot pedal to sew away. I own a sewing machine but never really made use of it.  Before Tyler was born I made pillows for Julia's room.  Since my eyes can't see a straight line I was always nervous about (and thus avoided) making curtains.

Anyway, I was reading the local newspaper last week and saw that the library was offering a sewing class. I signed up and have gone two days (the last class is tomorrow).  Anyway, imagine my surprise when I learned that we would not be using a machine but our hands.  That's right!  I am hand stitching a skirt.

Thanks to the library!!

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