Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Accidents and lawsuits

It's been over a year since I was t-boned on I-215 in Las Vegas.  The woman who hit me took responsibility for the crash and we have the same insurance company.  You'd think things would be smooth.

Not so.

On Friday I got a letter from a collection agency because the doctor who spent a whopping 7 minutes with me did not get paid in full from my insurance coverage.  I called the collection agency who did not want anything from me but a date I would pay.  Then, I was harassed yesterday by the same collection agency.

So, now I have to sue for damages so I am not stuck with a poor credit rating.

This would be easier in this case if, since the driver of the other car recognized that she was at fault, the other person's insurance just covered everything.  Ugh.  Pain in the ass.

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