Monday, July 8, 2013


This country is certainly in a twist about the President's plan to keep track of whom we call.  Frankly, I don't care.  I know the bigger issue is where to draw the line, but I cannot help but be concerned with the fact that we focus on nonsense when bigger issues are being ignored.

Take for instance, identity theft.  No one seems to be terribly concerned about it.  There are companies that prey on us looking to protect us from identity theft, but I am not aware of a genuine plan that actually keeps us safe.  Furthermore, there seems to be no quick, direct fix to getting your identity back once it's been stolen.  This is a real issue that we need to face.  What does this country do?  We make a comedy about it (which you can probably get on Netflix now).

I wish this country weren't filled with such namby-pambies.  If we want the government to protect us, we need to recognize that to do so requires us to allow the government to track what we do.  We cannot have it both ways.  Once we understand that idea, perhaps we can move forward and start dealing with the things that matter to us all.

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