Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Modern Television

Back in the day, if I got caught up in the drama of a television series, at the end of each episode I had to wait to discover what happened next.  God forbid I missed an episode!

These days things are so much different.  Since we can "record" an episode of any given show, our schedule is not wedded to a specific time.  Sure, this causes problems -- finding out what happened on the season finale of Downton Abby before I saw the final episode.  Still, we can watch what we want when we want.  This is a good thing during football season.

And, since we can devour entire series in one sitting if we wish (my son practically watched all the Lost episodes in one weekend, we are left open to watch even more shows.  As a result of having time to watch and devote to a new series, Rod and I watched The Killing.  Two seasons, twenty-six episodes.  Television gold.  I was so involved in this series, I would think about it during the day.  In fact, I am still thinking about it even though we finished season two last night.

Why is the show so good?  Perhaps the authenticity of the characters -- specifically the two detectives in charge of finding out who killed Rosie Larson.  Perhaps is the complexity of the plot.  During the twenty-six episodes there were probably 10 suspects.  The clues pointed in all sorts of directions.  And the two detectives followed the leads with determination.  They were a good team too!  

So, now the let down of a good show finished.  Only to be replaced by the elation of learning that there is a season three!

In the meantime, I will enjoy the perks of modern television as I prepare for football season.

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