Friday, August 29, 2014

Small Victory

My first memory of "gardening" was when I was in 7th grade and I threw some morning glory seeds into the ground.  To my surprise, they grew.  I even needed to construct a trellis for them.  My experience was that they were an easy thing to grow.
Needless to say, that was the last time morning glories were easy to grow.  Living in the deer path and virtual nature preserve where I am has been quite peaceful and frustrating as a gardener.  I can't even count the money I have spent on plants only to have them eaten by the wildlife.  And it's not as though I plant things that deer love.  Quite the contrary:  I have limited my choices to plants deer generally don't eat.  Ha!  They've even nibbled daffodils!
So, I have a fenced garden now.  All should grow, right?
What the deer don't eat, the ground hogs do (woodchuck?  whatever).
This year I was determined to get some morning glories growing.  Perhaps I was spurned on by the beauty of my clematis blooming or the fact that the hollyhock seeds from last year actually gave me blooming plants.  In any event, I was not going to allow the critters to get me down.  I wrapped deer netting around the trellis where the seeds were planted.  And my efforts were rewarded:

This is what keeps a gardener's hopes alive.  Small victories!

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