Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Michael Moore

Rod and I watched Sicko,  Michael Moore's documentary about the healthcare -- or lack of it -- in the United States.  Frankly, I found the stories to be sad and alarming.  I know the ultra conservatives find much at fault with Moore's reporting and attitude.  Some may even call him anti-American, but I can't help but to feel he is a national treasure.
In Sicko, Moore compares the healthcare system (for those who have it) in this country to the systems in other countries.  He went to Canada, France and England.  They have a socialized medical system that gives care to all.  While people in this country complain that a socialized system would only cause logjams in the system making it difficult to get a timely operation, the people he interviewed simply refuted those sentiments.  Furthermore, he took some 9/11 heroes to Cuba to receive treatment.  They did.  They were also treated better in Cuba than they had been stateside.  Obviously, this could be a Castro ploy to end the embargo.  Nevertheless, it offers much for us to think about as Obama begins to make policy.
Sicko may have offered a skewed view of the system, but it struck a chord in me.  My mother worried all her life about healthcare.  But when she and her husband needed it most, they were not covered for the medicines they needed.  They also were not employed making it impossible to change care.  I recognize that the movie leaned to the left, but I don't think this rich country should have the infant mortality rate it has (and I am not talking about irresponsible birthing of octuplets).  Nor should it be ranked 34th in overall healthcare. 
I eagerly await Moore's next movie.  In fact, I am considering purchasing Bowling for Columbine and now Sicko as reminders of what we need to do to make this country what it can be.

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