Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Jersey

Jon Corzine is considering ways to deal with the crunch.  So, he's asking state workers to give up two days -- one  in May and one in June -- to help cover the costs.  Now those workers are pissed.  Are they unaware that some people are unemployed?  Seriously, how bad is it to lose one day's pay per month?  I would give up the time if it meant I could keep my job.  

We have all been asked to sacrifice in this time of economic woe.  I think it's not too much to sacrifice -- one day a month.  Some of the people Rod used to work with were forced to take two weeks vacation because the plant shut down.  Those same people are now trying to make ends meet on a 4 or 5 day work week.  That's tough on them.  It's the 6th day where they would earn overtime.  Now they're not even close to covering that gap.  I feel for them, yet they are employed.  Those I've spoken to haven't lost sight of that.  

I pray something comes up for me next school year.  I need employment to help this family.  Still, if I find nothing, I am grateful that Rod has a safe job and he has medical benefits.  Things could be worse.

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