Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I have a very bad feeling about things right now.

I have been contacted by a school for an interview (it'll take place on May 25 while I'm home).  However, I've begun stressing about the mention of doing a demo lesson.  I am going to have to be forward and tell the woman who is interviewing me that if she wants me to do a demo lesson, I'd appreciate it if she could let me do it on the following Tuesday.  Otherwise, it looks like I'd have to fly back to NY and lose a day's pay (plus at least 12 hours of travel time and the cost of a flight).  Logically it makes sense to just let things go, but I do not like flying to and from Las Vegas.  It's too long a flight.

Then I am having difficulty with my online bill pay.  Banks have suckered us in to use online services, but they don't have much to offer when their services are down and we need to use them.  I phoned to get an answer but the guy at Bank of America couldn't give me an answer.  Instead he told me to pay through the websites of the places I owe money.  So I tried and Toyota Financial couldn't match my account to my name and account number (basically I was told there was no one with my name and account number).  I tried to pay on the phone but that would cost additional money for the service.  I am not clear what service they were talking about -- I'd be the one giving the information.

Finally, I am very upset and called a "friend" who said the obvious :  just deal with it in the morning.

I just feel like crying and have no one here to help me through this.  I want to go home.

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