Monday, May 7, 2012

Snail mail.

I love it.

Letters, packages, whatever.  They are so delightful to receive.  Perhaps that's why I've been having such fun sending things to people this year and last.  When Julia was in school I would occasionally send her a little something.  I think she enjoyed the surprise.  This year has been even more fun because my friend Gretchen and I have been keeping each other's spirits afloat with little somethings.

Today I got a package from Gretchen that contained sandalwood soap and some Buddhas to help me keep sane in this place.  The joy I get from just such thoughtful gesture cannot be overestimated.

Actually, last year my friend Liz sent me a little carrot zipper pouch that contains little bunnies.  That was a great surprise.

Okay, I need to stop focusing on things and concentrate on meaning.

My 9th grade students are reading a book entitled Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.  It's about a girl who is different and how that makes her the subject of mean-spirited gossip and actions.  Nevertheless Stargirl keeps her cool and is genuinely nice to her classmates -- particularly those who do not usually get positive attention.  One of the ways she spreads her particular form of sunshine is by leaving notes and cards for people.  So, I had my students do the same.  Today in class I had students making cards for each other.  Sure, it was a simple assignment with little connection to the Core Standards, but it'll be fun to see the kids' reactions when they receive a nice something from a classmate.

We seem so connected to our electronic devices with instant feedback.  But it sure is nice to receive something through snail mail.  You can read it over and over and put it aside for another day just to pick you up.

Take some time and write to someone you care about.  That's a gesture that'll be sure to be appreciated.

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