Thursday, September 6, 2012

I am thinking about all my teacher friends and acquaintances today.  Not one seems to have the difficulty I have obtaining work.  What is my flaw?  Is there help for me?

Some of the meanest teachers I know get jobs every time they interview.  Some of the best teachers I know don't get the job for which they are perfect.  Regardless, they have jobs and I don't and it makes me sad.

I think it would be interesting if, after an interview, you had to receive not just notification that you did not get the job, but full disclosure as to why.  Imagine the possibilities.  It might even be helpful to get full disclosure as to why you did get the job.

I have asked people how to get in the door.  They just shrug their shoulders and claim they don't know. Perhaps nepotism is at work.  Perhaps no one cares.  Perhaps schools are at the whim of the principal present during a particular opening.  In any case, it truly stinks being unemployed.  It's even worse to yearn for a job in a particular field, apply for said job and still not even be looked at.

What's down the road for me?

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