Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I loved The Sound of Music as a kid and listened to the album often.  Today I am thinking of the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"  Change it up a bit and you get, "How do you solve a problem like Tyler?"

He is a bright, funny kid who simply cannot remember anything.  Since the beginning of school I've been asking him to bring home his English text book.  It's still not here.  Yesterday he left his hoodie at school (this is the hoodie his father bought him just Monday).  Now I wonder if we'll see it again any time soon -- or any time for that matter.

As a teacher I saw many kids like this.  They mean well, but they simply cannot remember to do what needs doing.  They forget homework, permission slips, lunch, lunch money, pencil, book, etc.  I would tell the parent and I'd get the same exasperation I'm feeling.  Oddly, as a student I don't remember seeing this.  Sure, there were kids who simply did not do homework, but I don't recall the number of kids who did not remember to do what needed doing.  What has happened to society?

Maybe playing outside has hidden benefits.  Maybe the fresh air helps kids remember.  Maybe these games systems hurt a kid's attention span.  Maybe I just have a forgetful kid.  In any event, how do I solve this problem??

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