Friday, September 28, 2012

The sad truth is I had a unibrow.  Years of plucking have rendered it gone, but it definitely scarred me regarding hair -- where it should and shouldn't be seen.

Although I don't have course, dark hair on my head, the same is not so true of the rest of my body.  When I was thin I did not like being seen with a bathing suit in case some errant hair was to be seen.  Shaving works but it's not perfect.  When I learned about waxing I simply didn't know how to arrive to the salon -- do you trim?  -- so I didn't go.  Furthermore, frankly, I was embarrassed.  When I did build up the courage, I was not so pleased with the results.  (It didn't help that my expectations were far greater than the promise.)  Anyway, I bought a wax kit of my own and just did what I could.

Until I went to Las Vegas.

Las Vegas is a strange place.  No one seems to be saddled with negative self-image.  The tattoo industry is booming as are the piercing places.  Since I didn't know anyone in Vegas, I figured I could just do what I wished.  So, as I waited to have  pedicure, I noticed the salon also did Brazilian waxes.  A seed was planted.

Just before Christmas, I built up my courage and had a Brazilian waxing.  As it turns out, I did NOT have a full Brazilian (I didn't have the back end waxed).  Still, it didn't hurt as I thought it would.  I also found that I liked being semi-bald. I was definitely going to do it again.

One of the things I genuinely loved about my first year in Vegas was how I was able to do just girl things.  I made friends who allowed me to be a girl.  We did girl things.  We were silly.  We talked about anything and simply enjoyed each other's company.  It's because my relationships there were so girl related that I mentioned to a friend that I had a Brazilian.  Honestly, I thought I that perhaps my friend would be aghast at my revelation.  Not so.  She asked, "Do you go to the Pretty Kitty?"

Las Vegas does have a sense of humor.  Waxing is big business there and they like to play to the "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" crowd.  If you look for Brazilian waxes in Vegas online, two names come up:  The Pretty Kitty and The Box.  Both specialize in Brazilian waxes.  Sure, you can have your eyebrows done, but the big draw is the Brazilian.  The Box also does Brazilian's for men with the catchy phrase, "from the sac to the back." Because Brazilian's are their focus, both establishments advertise a quick, professional experience.

Since my friend recommended it, I made an appointment at the Pretty Kitty.  It's a nice atmosphere where you are greeted by hip receptionist who makes sure that you are comfortable with your procedure (some opt for a cream that numbs the area a bit).  Then she introduces you to your esthetician who escorts you to your room, shows you around, gives you time to undress and "freshen up" with wipes in privacy.  The entire session takes no more than 15 minutes.

Sadly, there is no Pretty Kitty in New York.  In fact, I am having trouble finding a suitable place with the atmosphere, speed and precision I am used to in Vegas.  Twice I've tried, most recently at European Wax Center.  Fail.

European Wax Center boasts the use of a wax that is not hot.  Muslin strips are not needed to remove the wax from the body.  So, the esthetician applies a thick layer of wax and waits for it to dry.  Once it does, she removes the wax and hair.  While it sounds easy, it was terribly painful.  Further, the wax has difficulty drying in a warm place.  The nether region is warm.  So, some residue is left behind.  I suppose you can imagine what it's like to have purple wax still stuck to you after the event.....

I am glad that I've found a way to be hair free.  Now I just need to find a place that can do it well.

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