Thursday, August 27, 2009


I just finished reading The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde and loved it! It was recommended to me several years ago by one of my student's parents. I bought the book immediately, but it sat on the shelf for years. Lately I have come across the title on recommendation lists -- you know, if you like this book then you'll like this other book. Anyway, I finally got the hint and got reading.
Basically, it's a science fiction book for people who do not necessarily like science fiction. The main character, Thursday Next, works for LiteraTec a Special Ops organization in England. Her job in this book is to track down the person responsible for stealing original manuscripts and altering the outcome of the book. To enjoy this book one needs to allow a certain leap of faith. There is time travel, the ability to enter and become part of literature, and the ability of characters from books to enter our world. In short, it's fantastic! Go get a copy from the library and enjoy!