Sunday, June 5, 2011

I have made the decision to not return to Las Vegas. If I had a job, I would possibly consider it. However, I have no job and the future in education here looks mighty bleak. It's time for a change because I need to do something. I enjoy earning money. Fact is, I need to because it's so expensive in NY state.

Perhaps something will come up in NYC. It seems to be the only place interested in hiring teachers with experience. I am continuing to try other states as well. I have FL certification and I am waiting for the certification from Virginia. Still, that doesn't quite do it for me because I need a job -- I really don't need to be spending money.

When I get home I hope I'll be able to be as relaxed as I am here. It is so soothing to be here where I can pay all my bills and still have money left over for a fun time for the weekend. At home, every expense causes me anxiety.

I wish I knew what type of job, outside of teaching, I could get. I want to do something fun and rewarding and close to home. I would like a challenge but flexibility to take time if Tyler is sick or something. If only, if only.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mean people suck but unprofessional coworkers are the pits.

I had a bad day mostly because I reported missing work from my students who are in a satellite program. So, the English teacher in charge at satellite had some not so nice words to say to me because she got her ass chewed. My fault? No. I've been down this road with this coworker before. She doesn't do her job; I report it.. End of story.

Or not.

I learned several years ago that it's better to "clear the air" rather then let things fester. I went to the coworker afterwards and said she was unprofessional and I didn't appreciate it. She admitted her error in this manner. "I apologize but .... " Look, throwing "but" in negates the apology. Such a dumb girl. The worst part was her saying I was unprofessional because I didn't care about the satellite students. Hmmm. Is she qualified to make that assessment?

Bottom line. I pissed someone off because I reported her failure to do her job. Sadly, she is the same teacher who passes kids by giving them enough extra credit for bringing tissue boxes into class. Nevada is doomed.