Friday, July 29, 2011

When it rains, it pours.

Yesterday I felt as though there was no way I was going to get a job. Today, I have one albeit in Las Vegas. Further, I have an interview in Monticello, NY on August 9 and am attending a job fair on August 2 for the Bronx. Good news. The Bronx has been given the go-ahead to hire outside the DOE for English positions. Please, please, please let me get a job close to home and in the same time zone.

I am becoming increasingly irritated and bothered by the economic situation in this country. I am tired of hearing about the debt ceiling and the republicans and the democrats. Why can't the two parties just make a list of things they can agree on and work from that? Is it really so difficult? I am not alone here either. The American people are being taken hostage by a group of politicians who don't realize that they are supposed to represent the people, not the lobbyists who pay for their campaigns. (And, as an aside, why is it legal for the republicans to sign a contract saying they won't raise taxes? Don't we need taxes to pay for things like war?)

this same failure to accept ownership of the economic downturn seems to be causing problems in the educational system. We have too many teachers who simply will not do more than they have to do. Some teacher contracts state that they do not need to attend extra-curricular events without pay flies in the face of research. We are supposed to teach the whole child not just the one sitting in the classroom. If teachers are doing nothing over the summer, then they are probably in the wrong field. Reading, traveling and such are pieces of the job. Broadening horizons is what makes us better people and teachers. Many do not bring that extra something into the class room. It's time they did. And those who do not should be looking for employment elsewhere.

Teaching interviews are a joke. Oftentimes I am asked about what technology I would use. The simple truth is this: we are hindered by the limits the school has. If the school has little in the way of access, then it doesn't matter what technology I would use. And, it stands to reason that if the school is tech savvy, so too will the teachers who work there. Knowledge of programs or technology does not make good teachers. Keeping the eyes on the content and doing what is necessary to enable children to learn that content is what is most important. Being asked what I know about differentiating instruction is a laugh: teachers generally don't do it. So, why bother asking what I know if you don't embrace it and demand it from every teacher on staff? There are a lot of new teachers out there willing to apply all this knowledge to the classroom but no spots are available to them because teachers too lazy to create new lessons are using up space.

America needs to get back to what made it great in the first place. We need to work harder and expect superior output. If we continue to allow the status quo to be the yard stick by which all is measured, then we will continue in this downward spiral.

So it continues to rain.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am applying to jobs like crazy and keep running into the same costly request: the official transcript.

Now, I have no problem providing such information for jobs, but I have an issue with the cost involved. Furthermore, since I am licensed to teach in the states where I am seeking employment, I have already provided the official transcript to the state itself. Transcripts cost about 5 bucks each. I need an official transcript from each school I attended (four in my case). So, to apply for a job it's costing 20 bucks per application. Oftentimes, I hear nothing once I provide said info. Where is there a benefit to me?

I think perhaps it's time to write to Congress (because they have nothing else to do but bicker with each other), and give a piece of my mind. I have applied to some districts more than one time. Each time they request an official transcript. WHAT DID THEY DO WITH THE FIRST SET I PROVIDED? See, it's not cost effective. I think it should be perfectly okay to provide copies of the transcript. If you get far enough along, provide the official.

And, on that note, I have an issue with the letter of recommendation. If you want to know, pick up the phone and ask. One place I provided the letters to asked me to send more because the dates weren't current enough. Really, what am I to do if I haven't gotten a job? Furthermore, should I have to carry around a current letter all the time if I provide an email address and phone number for the contact? More importantly, I have NOT gotten a job based on the quality of the recommendation I received so why all the fuss?? Teaching is a job that requires the applicant to provide fingerprints to determine their innocence. (again, at cost to the applicant)

I have two degrees and still rely on the first degree to make or break me. I do know some people who have done very well throughout school. I was not one of those people. However, I am still being judged by that. I have a virtual 4.0 in grad school but that amounts to nothing because I need the official transcript from every school I took classes from meaning they see the dunce I was in undergraduate school and decide I don't know anything.

Ugh. I hate looking for jobs. It's so demeaning when none materializes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Job hunting sucks.

I went for one yesterday -- a little leave replacement job -- and received an email today basically saying I didn't make it to the next step. Reason? They are looking for someone with more experiences than I. Really? I have a pretty wide range of experiences. What exactly are they looking for? (Truth be told, I know I got a form letter. Still, it doesn't fit the bill. Imagine if I didn't answer questions that were directed at me but just gave any old answer.)

Having to hear from people in my boat getting jobs also continues to feel as though I've been kicked in the stomach. I really wish I could find an interview coach for my field. I know the right things to say -- I say them. My question is : what do I need to do to get a job?

This evening I applied for two jobs. This afternoon I applied to another job. Tomorrow I am going to start making phone calls to find out what is going on. I enjoy earning money and don't like the feeling of inadequacy I feel when I can't find a job.

Good luck to me.