Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What is entitlement? Why do some kids feel like they should have it and others don't?

My job would be so much easier if I could just understand this business of entitlement. It's odd too because you'd think this was a bigger issue in the rich school I taught in. Not so. The worst kids I've ever encountered are right here in Las Vegas. They never seem to miss the subtle (and not so subtle) opportunities to "get" irony.

Take the students who claim they think all have the right to be listened to when they speak only to speak when someone else is talking. Or the kids who don't hold a door open for you but complain if you should do the same. How about those who disrupt the class constantly then don't understand when you get mad a them? I have one student who uses the "f" word fairly regularly (in my class to me and within my hearing) but claims she freaked out on me because I had the nerve to same "damn" to her face.

This is the word nigger. I heard kids using it in class, joking around. I don't get it. If you want to be treated with respect, show some. To yourselves and those around you. Really, if you don't want to be called an asshole, don't use the word asshole. I don't like the word cunt. Guess what? I don't use it.

This year is definitely a learning curve for me. Given the chance, I would like to work in a Hispanic school next year. They seem to have more respect for their own role in learning. They don't play the blame game as often and they don't hate me for no reason.

What's wrong with education? We don't reflect enough on what we do and who we are. Students need to own up to their faults and learn how to attract more flies with honey.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finally a concert for Rod and me to attend. Even better, I can see Cake in NY while I'm home for spring break or he can see them with me here in Vegas before the big drive home! Maybe it's that time of year when the bands I want to see are coming out to do their thing.

Now, I've not checked on cost. Concerts are so expensive these days, but still .... I would sure like to see a current band -- someone who is newer to the scene than last century. Sure the oldies are goodies, but I'm tired of being reminded that I too am an oldie.

This concert thing has been the icing on the Cake (and cake is the band I would like to see as mentioned above). I bought groceries today and caved and bought a box of donuts. I mean, really, do I need a whole box to myself? Apparently yes. I just bought a 2 piece swim suit -- I need to keep that in the forefront of my mind. I should also get off my soon to be fat again ass and exercise!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I love a warm spring day. Here in Las Vegas we've had a nice string of them. When I'm in NY these days make me yearn for my teen years when friends and I would head down to the river to drink a few cold ones and just enjoy each other's company. While I don't ever want to relive those years, I do look back on them fondly when the weather plants the seed of thought.

This is also the time of year when I'm reminded of how much I enjoy the moderate temperatures of spring and fall. Though those seasons generally only last about a month each here, their presence is fulfilling. And, with the weather my New York friends have been suffering through this year, my new neighborhood seems that much more enjoyable.

At least until summer gets here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I've been trying to wrap my mind around this teacher union issue. Why, I ask myself, am I so opposed to the present teacher union? I don't think teachers who get paid more should have to lose their job because of tightening budgets. However, I never really liked the idea that the unions would so vehemently deny schools the right to fire bad teachers. Frankly, I think bad teachers make the profession look bad. We've all worked with bad teachers; why defend them?

Teachers have been shouting for higher pay. They are finally making it yet they are unwilling to do what the public demands: improve education. Every time I sit with true-blue union teachers, I hear them talk about what they don't have to do. They don't have to go to graduation to see the product of their efforts get a diploma. They don't have to go to the concerts to see how their students may have talent they did not previously know about. They don't have to stay late to help a student. They don't have to make parent phone calls from home. They don't have to attend sports events. What then do they have to do? Just show up and get a check.

If teachers want to be treated like the professionals they profess themselves to be, they need to recognize what they are here for. Can you imagine the public outcry if doctors went on strike because they were upset with the conditions under which they worked? Why don't lawyers unionize? There is something fishy about this business and I suspect it's that teachers do not care about what they claim about : their students. Otherwise, how could they really justify walking out on strike because they might have to pay a couple more bucks for health insurance. Or they might have to be held accountable for the work they do.

I recently watched the movie Norma Rae. I get why people wanted to unionize the textile mills: because they were working in unsafe conditions for too low a pay. Teachers do not now have that. Furthermore, when textile workers walk out on strike, they hurt no one but he people they want to hurt -- the fat-cat owners. When teachers walk out on strike they simply say, "Too bad kids. My wallet is more important than your education."

I know many teachers in private schools who have to prove their worth every year. While seniority plays in to some areas, the bottom line is the bottom line. If you don't haul your weight and make a difference , you're out. Time to make a change.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Last night I heard a girl (my window was open) freaking out because there was a really big spider. I lay in bed wondering how big do spiders get here? I know tarantulas get big; I also know if I saw one I wouldn't be referring to it as a spider. I've seen nothing but bees (just yesterday) and crickets. So, I went to the experts: my students.

According to my sources, the big concerns here are the brown recluse spider and tarantulas. So, whatever that lady was complaining about was for naught.

However, I did learn that to be safe I should check my boots for scorpions. Great. I don't know how I'd feel if I found a scorpion in my apartment. I wonder if I'd have the creeps every night until I moved or if I'd get used to them. Frankly I'm not interested in finding out. It's enough for me to know to watch for lizards and to keep the screen door shut at all times just in case. I suppose it goes for everything -- better safe than sorry.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Job hunting again. And, again, it's not because I don't do my job well, it's because of extenuating circumstances.

I don't think I've been paying close enough attention, but there is grant money available to "at risk" schools who are willing to "turnaround". So, to be eligible, my school needs to do some house cleaning. Namely, the school must lay off ALL employees; they may hire back only -- max -- 50 percent. so, I hunt again.

the good news is that Clark County needs teachers. And, oddly enough, I am certified in a high need area. Frankly I think Clark County is the only place I know of that needs English teachers.

My students are feeling unsettled. They want some of their favorite teachers to be back. They've asked me to reapply for my job. I am hesitant. If the school is granted the grant, other requirements must be met. The district did not make clear what those requirements were. I know they are discussing a longer work day. I've worked very hard at Mojave High School, but I don't know how much more I can do. since the district is not forthcoming with the details, I don't know what to do. Even if I applied I don't know that I'd be hired back. (Call me naive though because I think I would be hired back.) The bottom line is I need to look for a job again.

There is good news on the horizon. The long term sub working across the hall from me indicated that Bridger Middle School (about 4 blocks from my apartment) will need 3 English teachers next year. Her parents teach there and she's put in a good word for me. So, we'll see. In the meantime, I just have to continue to do my job and do it well. The end of third quarter is around the corner and I have much to accomplish.