Friday, November 11, 2016

Trying to find Solace

I have lost yet another night of sleep as a result of the election.  Some have called me a bad loser, bitter, elitist.  I am perhaps all or none.  But I need a place to vent because I cannot wrap my hands around the neck of the special interests who allowed or forced this to happen.

First, let's look at the insurance hikes that so conveniently happened so recently.  People were furious and decided to put Obamacare out of business.  I too am upset with the rise of insurance costs, but I also know that if the people in office were more willing to work with the President to draft this law to ensure that a cap was in place, the rise would not have happened.  Insurance companies are in business to make money.  Illness takes that money away.  But despite our medical advances, there are still far too many people who do not have access to healthcare.  There are many who were in danger of having no healthcare because insurance companies did not like how much their illnesses would cost.  Case in point:  I know a woman who had to have a liver transplant about 15 years ago.  She was not a drunk or drug user, she just had some bad luck.  Now she is worried if she will be able to afford her medicine.
Perhaps I am being elitist when I say that many people around me seem to think that just because they voted for a new President their premiums will not increase.
Second, the gun lobby.  I cannot comprehend the number of people who believe that a Democrat in the White House will take away their gun.  It will not happen.  Goodness, how many times must that be said????
Finally, the idea that one President will make America great again is truly problematic.  One person cannot do the job.  Also, do we all define greatness the same way?  What is Trump's definition?
To me, a great nation is one that has good healthcare, good schools, good policies that serve all the people not just a few.  A great nation is one that hears the needs of all.  A great nation is one that works will all members.  A great nation embraces all the people who live in it and creates policies that acknowledge the hardships some face.
It's true this is not a great nation.  I struggle with the belief or faith that Trump and the people who put him in office can make it great again.

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